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The above project came up as part of our initiative of giving back to the community in Nothern Uganda considering better customer service and sales.
Lugore prison was chosen among all other projects because of the market potential and the number of clients we had in that place.

CSR Activity

This all started last year after identifying 4 staff houses for the above prison farm that was pending completion during our customer service visit for the same prison farm that enabled us handle more than 15 customers with complaints.
Four staff houses we supported through plastering and painting which has changed the livelihood of the occupants according to their remarks during the commissioning.
CSR started at 2:30PM with speeches. A big party for end of year had been organized together with the commissioning. They urged us to remain with them but considering the time we left immediately after commissioning which was the first function.

Speech From Robert Nabimanya Head of Special Projects

He started by introducing PCL and brief on the reason for CSR which is giving back to our community and our clients. He thanked the management and staff for the worm welcome and support rendered to us.
The officer did not hide his joy and thanked PCL for considering them because the houses were in very bad condition. He thanked his OC for coordinating with PCL for the success of the project.

Speech From the Officer in Charge

The officer in change equally thanked PCL for choosing Lugore Prison form for CSR. This project was his initiative as directed by Prison to provide accommodation for the staff. It’s upon the effort of the Officer in Charge to start the project to completion. Prison head quarter supports with only iron sheets and the rest is done by the station.
He thanked PCL for the push and promised to support us too in terms of recommending his officer to take PCL loans. He said bigger banks have never done this for them thats why he thanked PCL so much. He emphasized a point of educating clients on the loan terms to avoid complaints he heard before that was tarnishing the name our company among his staff.

Speech From the Regional Prison Commander

With a very big smile, she thanked PCL for considering Lugore in support of her OC to complete the staff houses. In fact she said she was one of the people harassing PCL officers and even quoted when she did this to our staff considering the complaints that were raised by her staff relating to misinformation. She advised us to sensitize our staff on telling the truth to customers for business. She expressed her joy seeing what we have done and promised to cooperate with us in recommending her staff for PCL loans and urged us to consider her for a loan facility even when she is about to retire. In her words she said “ I didn’t know that you people are very good, now I also want a loan from you”.
Commissioning ended at around 4:50pm and we reached Gulu town at 7:00 Pm where we had a brief meeting with the team and started our Journey to Kampala but unfortunately had an accident at Bweyale Kirandongo District and the person who was knocked by our car is currently undergoing treatment at Mulago hospital.


I would like to thank management and all CSR team for the commitment rendered to this project from the start to completion. I believe this will help us drive sales from the northern region since this activity will be publicized by RUPINY Radio and Paper a popular media in the North. They could not go with us due to the bad roads but asked Robert to share the clips and photos for publicity.

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2 comments on “Lugore Prison Farm CSR Report

  1. أنابيب الألياف الزجاجية والراتنج في العراق تفتخر شركة إيليت بايب في العراق بأنها منتج رائد لأنابيب الألياف الزجاجية والراتنج عالية الجودة، التي توفر أداءً ممتازًا ومتانة لتطبيقات صناعية متنوعة. توفر أنابيب البلاستيك المدعمة بالألياف الزجاجية (FRP)، والمعروفة أيضًا بأنابيب GRP، مقاومة ممتازة للتآكل، وخصائص خفيفة الوزن، وعمر خدمة طويل. تجعل هذه الخصائص منها مثالية للاستخدام في بيئات تتطلب أداءً عالياً مثل معالجة المواد الكيميائية، ومعالجة المياه، وصناعات النفط والغاز. مع التزامنا بالابتكار والجودة، تضمن شركة إيليت بايب أن كل أنبوب يلبي المعايير الصارمة، مما يثبت مكانتنا كواحدة من أفضل وأكثر الموردين موثوقية في العراق. لمزيد من المعلومات، تفضل بزيارة موقعنا على elitepipeiraq.com.

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