Do You Need Quick Cash? Platinum Credit Gives You The Money You Need in Only 24 Hours.
We deliver cash in 24 hours with minimum procedure and speedy loans processing. Our products are Civil Servant Loans; Logbook Finance Loans; Private Sector Loans and the latest SME Loans.
Civil Servants Loan
We offer emergency loans to all civil servants even when one already has a bank loan. The loans are designed to ease our customer’s burden on School Fees, Medical Bills, Offsetting another loan etc.
Loan Amount
UGX 100,000 – 30M
3 – 96 Months

Logbook Finance
This is a credit facility that issues cash against the logbook of our customer’s motor vehicle. It’s only available to individuals with a logbook for a motor vehicle registered in their names.
Loan Amount
UGX 3M – 50M
3 – 18 Months
Private Sector Secured Loan
The Private Sector Secured (PS) Loan is available to confirmed salary earners working in reputable private organizations within Uganda. Customers can apply for this loan using their motor vehicle logbook as the security. The motor vehicle logbook must be registered in the exact name of the loan applicant.
Loan Amount
UGX 3M – 50M
18 0r 24 Months

Business Loan
We work with various entrepreneurs, each with unique needs and circumstances. We have the flexibility to work one-on-one with your business and welcome the chance to get to know you.
Loan Amount
UGX 100,000 – 150M
1 – 36 Months
Car Bond Finance Loan
Platinum Credit (U) Limited has introduced a new product which offers customer up to 70% car financing for motor vehicles which are in the Bonds within Uganda.
Loan Amount
UGX 3,000,000 – 50,000,000
24 Months

Motor Import Finance (MIF) aims at helping an average Ugandan import their dream car from Japan with limited risk and expenditure. The loan product targets both employed and business persons that are interested in owning a new car.