Location: Masaka
School: Kabaale Ssanje Primary School
Date: 18th August 2017
Contribution: Renovation of a classroom block
Participants: 20
Main purpose: This CSR was taken to Masaka region following the fraud cases in the area by our former sales staff and we also have many NPLs in the region Rakai district being the most affected in terms of off payroll clients. The school was started in 1936 and this block was among the oldest.

Activities Carried out

  • There was touring of the entire school.
  • We were also entertained by the school
  • Live coverage by BBS Television. This being Kabaka’s TV also loved by Rural Majority, our product will be spread wide in Buganda region. There was also live coverage by CBS radio same magement with BBS Television.
  • Andrew was the guest of Honor and really represented us very well. He was also interviewed by BBS Television.
  • We have all the photos for CSR taken by a professional camera man and we also expect the same photos after completion of the building. These will be sent to our IT department for our Magazine and web site.
  • There was official commissioning of the block officiated by PCL staff lead by Andrew and the Headteacher of the school.

Classroom before and after

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